Odor killing properties built into the fibers in waterproof bed pad
Using a new and unique technology using silver, controlling odors is easier. SILVERtouch's antimicrobial properties kill odor causing bacteria.
Developed for use in healthcare residence facilities, the new SILVERtouch bed underpad aids in controlling odors associated with incontinence.
SILVERtouch attacks odor causing bacteria
SILVERtouch controls odors by protecting the article from the growth and multiplication of bacteria. SILVERtouch uses a unique, high effective solution called SilverClear, which combines the power of silver ions with surface-active antimicrobial chemistry delivering a fast kill rate across a broad spectrum of microbes.
Extremely durable waterproof bed pads
As these pads were designed to withstand the rigors of institutional processing, these reusable underpads are extremely durable. Only the best components were used in creating these bed pads, including Canadian Ibex facings from Springs Mills and Vintex vinyl knit barrier fabric. These time tested components ensure the integrity of these reusable underpads will not be compromised through repeated launderings.
Each underpad has double lock safety stitching around the edges of the pad that adds to its durability. The quilt pattern helps the pad lie flat underneath the individual and reduces bunching and wrinkling.
Care and Laundering your Heavy Soaker Bed Pad
Unlike some other antimicrobial reusable bed pads, SILVERtouch is universally applicable and is practical for use in any laundering situation. There are no laundering restrictions, no need for special laundering additives, and no need for special drying.
Reusable waterproof bed pads are a good value
Reusable bed pads are more cost effective than disposable underpads. Compare with disposable with 4 or 5 on a bed at a time. In addition to cost savings, reusable underpads reduce landfill waste by over 99%, an added bonus to those concerned about our environment.
Bed pad dimensions are 32" x 36"